
What do you know about Podcasting?

Did you know that;

-7.1 million people in the UK listen to Podcasts on a weekly basis….That is ONE in every EIGHT people!

-The number of Podcasts downloaded or steamed have increased by 24% in the last year.

– Most people listened to their first Podcast in the last two years.

So if you didn’t know anything else about Podcasts…know this….They are BOOMING!!

So…What exactly is a Podcast?

In its simplest form, a Podcast is an ‘audio’ show that you can download or stream.  There are various apps that you can pop on your phone, laptop or smart speaker to listen through and there are MILLIONS (actually millions!) of Podcast episodes and programmes you can tune into, covering just about any topic you can think of for you to enjoy in your own time.

Audio??  I thought it was all Video, Video, Video nowadays?

Yes…Video is also HUGE and should almost definitely be a part of your marketing strategy, however, think of the times when video just isn’t practical.  When you are driving, cooking, working to name a few.  Pretty much anytime your vision is concentrated on a task, you cannot be watching a video too.  But you CAN be listening!!

Perhaps you need to conserve your mobile data and there is no wi-fi. Watching YouTube videos on your commute will gobble data up in a flash…but listening to a Podcast is much kinder to your monthly allowance.

Maybe you are visually impaired, and the benefit of listening to a video (which was probably made primarily made for visually consumption) is not offering you the value you deserve, however the intimacy of a well produced ‘made for audio’ piece of content is incredibly appealing.

Ok…I can see how Audio content still has a place…..But what are the benefits of having a Podcast for my business?

It is there when other social media isn’t

As touched on above, most social media platforms rely heavily upon ‘visual’ content.  Think, You Tube, Instagram even Facebook.  If you are in a situation where it isn’t appropriate for your customers to be consuming content in that manner, it still gives you an opportunity to connect with them.

It offers you endless collaboration opportunities.

Collaborations in business should always be embraced, and producing a Podcast, offers you the perfect opportunity to work with others.

One of the biggest ‘themes’ in Podcasting are interviews between you and someone that your audience will find equally as interesting and likely to connect with, this could be another professional or even a listener or client.

For example, if you are a personal trainer, you may invite colleagues in other fields that can add value to your clients training.  A nutritionist or a physiotherapist can offer guidance on other aspects of keeping well or someone who has recently achieved a huge personal goal, may serve as an inspiration to your listeners and keep them motivated towards their own goals.

Your voice…is you…You are your business

Podcasting offers a uniquely intimate way to connect with your customers, potential customers and people just interested in you and what you have to say.

Research shows that Podcast subscribers will happily listen to you chatting away for over half an hour if they find you engaging, whilst going about their everyday tasks!  Half an hour of undivided attention….not even some spouses get that!

I can see this is a BIG DEAL then….So what now!!!

If you haven’t already, go and listen to some Podcasts! Scroll through the shows and episodes and find something you like…and just listen and start to get a feel for the kind of content out there.

….and if you are already a seasoned Podcast subscriber, maybe it’s time to think about how you can use Podcasts to propel your business.

Podcasts are HUGE and only getting bigger, so the sooner you jump on the Podcast train…the better…and whether you are a Podcast veteran or a new listener, when you are ready to get started on your own Podcast,  we are here to help!